Monday, 9 January 2012

Playing with Colour - Exhibition at Chesterfield Library December 2011

These show various views of the exhibition I had at Chesterfield Library, the work was well received in that I had lots of good comments and although I didn't make a direct sale from  here "Blue Curve 2" was bought by my friend Jenny as a result of my sending information out to friends about the exhibition. She looked at the work on Red Bubble as she couldn't get to the exhibition itself. 

It was good to be able to stand back and view the work from a distance - 10 foot is about as far as I can stand back in my house and some of my work looks really good from further away - you can see different things in it than from close up. (It's ok to say my own work looks good isn't it? After all I wouldn't paint it if I didn't like it!)

Blue Curve 2

Blue Curve 2

Blue Curve

"Blue Curve 2" I did after my last post ... so I did act on those itchy fingers! 

 "Blue Curve", which I have on my living room wall - is one of my favourites, it is often admired, so I thought I would use it as a starting place for another picture. I just had a good look at it and then went up to my studio and painted my version 2. A colour or combination of colours is often my starting point, blue being a favourite - in fact sometimes I have to work hard not to paint blue pictures all the time. Though I suppose if I did it would be fine anyway! I like this very much and have actually sold it! To a friend, but it is very exciting to sell a work! I struggle with the selling side - particulary as with friends I always want to give them away, but Jenny has insisted that she buy it - as encouragement to take my work seriously, which is  indeed marvellously encouraging. 

I find both of these paintings quite contemplative - almost meditative. Ripples or the surface of water is in some way the inspiration, but not in a straightforward naturalistic way but I have tried painting water and this resembles what I did then.